Appreeeee-sheeee-a-shun! Don't you just love the way that word rolls off your tongue?
I drew the appreciation card this morning:
"Appreciation is the secret to life. Become a person who appreciates and you will thrive; you will fulfill your reason for being."
I appreciate my flowers, and my camera to photograph them.
I appreciate my hot cup of coffee - every morning.
I appreciate my morning shower.
I appreciate the sun rise of a beautiful spring day. Today it will be 13 C! I think that's somewhere in the 50's F.
I appreciate my family and friends. And the blogging community.
Hope you all have a wonderful day. I appreciate having you in my life!
Wow Wendy, what a neat post... We all have so much to be thankful for, don't we????? Even when life is rough--we have those special people who make us smile. That's APPRECIATION.
And I enjoy being in your life!!!
You are a lovely person and this is a great post!
BTW, I love my morning shower too!!
Also, as strange as it may seem, I've always been grateful for toilet paper when I need it and a tissue for when my nose runs!! Nothing as bad as having a runny nose in a supermarket and nothing to wipe it with!!!
Hi Betsy, yes we do. And I love drawing a card for the day. It always brings my focus back to good feelings.
Hi Amelia, thank you for your kind words. Well, I've never thought about being grateful for toilet paper, but you are 100% right! In other countries they don't have any.
Runny nose? Ah, just use your sleeve! LOL!
Great post. I need a wake up call on appreciation now and then.
A great list...we should all make one!
Hi Robbin's mama, thanks for stopping by. I needed that wake-up call too!
Hi Ruth, that was just the beginning of a list. I wanted to go to my daughter's house this morning, so cut it short!
And WE appreciate you, Wendy, for reminding us that life is so much better when we appreciate all that we do have. Have a great week!
Wendy, you are such a dear to share your appreciation. I love your flowers-spring beauty!.
I'm looking forward to my cup of coffee tomorrow!
Hey Wendy! Nice post. I appreciate you so much. Love J
Aw, we are on the same wave length. You just did a thankful Thursday post. I like that meme it reminds me to be thankful every week. Big hug have a great weekend.
What a great post, Wendy! HUGS!
Dear Wenndy,
The attitude of gratitude has made a huge difference in my life...
I appreciate you and all you kind words.
Thank you!
Beautiful pictures and beautiful post. I appreciate you!
Hi Wendy.....and we appreciate having you in our lives.....
It is good to take time to appreciated the everyday things....they are often the most important...
Love your pretty flowers......
Thanks everyone. Looking forward to reading all of your posts and seeing more spring flowers.
Wendy, even if your weather isn't quite Spring yet, the inside of your house is! What lovely blooms!
I think appreciation or being thankful is so important. It seemed in my life, when I stopped looking at all that was wrong in my life and started looking at all the little things that were right, I began to appreciate just how blessed I was/am. As a naturally pessimistic person, I need reminders such as your blog to give me a nudge every now and then! Thanks! I Appreciate YOU!
Hi Jen, oh, it so easy to get into fretting about what is wrong with life. After all, it's the thorns in our sides that draw our attention - and they hurt!!
I have always been a naturally optimistic person, until my hubby's illness. Then I changed. Now I need to get back to the way I was. Blogging helps tremendously.
I am glad you stopped by today.
Dearest Wendy,
I am following your beautiful fairy blog and I am looking at this one now! You are so creative with the post. Let me ask you, where did you find the image of the little fairy door on this post? It is darling!
I hope all is well. Anita
Hi Anita, thanks for your kind words. The faerie door I just googled!
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