O.K. maybe not open arms, (who wants a goose to fly into your arms?)but with joy! Spring is surely here.
We still have snow in the backyard, but it's melting with our warmer temps. March has been unbelievably sunny. Usually you can count on damp, rain, and wind for March. But not this year. That's the good news.
The bad news is: Hubby is sick with a virus of some sort. Four out of my 8 grandkids are sick with various viruses.
The good news is: viruses don't last forever.
Happy Spring once again to everybody.
Can't wait to get out in the garden.
Hurrah they made it home! Every morning here in Arizona the geese fly over my condo and my heart sings...to think that they are heading home to you!! Nature is truly amazing knowing when the right time is! hugs NG sending sunshine your way!! xo
Wishing wellness for your hubby
So glad that spring is on its way to you, too, Wendy! The return of the geese is a sure sign. Sorry to hear about Hubby and the grandchildren; hope they all recover soon. And take care of yourself so you don't get it,too!
Hooray for spring and the geese. I remember seeing them flying south when I was at David's last October. I don't believe I had ever experienced that before. We have some Canada geese that stay here year round now.
I'm so sorry your husband is sick, as well as the grandchildren. I hope this will pass.
Hooray for spring! I love to hear the geese honking as they fly over in those V formations. It odes sort of sound like they are heralding the return of spring.
Those viruses ca be nasty-hope everyone recovers soon. Just you be careful and don't catch it. Happy Spring, Wendy.
Your geese spent the entire winter in our City Park. Often they would waddle in a line across the busy street to graze on the grass at the local high school. I enjoyed having their stately procession slow down my rush hour, but you can have them back awhile.
Lovely sight to see the geese. Makes you feel good knowing it is going to get warmer.
These wretched viruses are doing the rounds here too. We need sunshine. Our bodies have had enough hardship.
I dare say we will be moaning about too much sun before too long! Can you imagine it?
Yea spring is on it's way!
I love you new out look.
It took a long time for me to learn things are temporary. And will be better. Bug hug.
fantastic picture! I'm glad the geese have returned. I hope the hubs feels better soon!
Wendy, what a beautiful picture of the geese in flight. And I love the enthusiasm in you...viruses don't last forever! Happy Spring to you! Hope your snow melts soon and that everyone feels better soon!
Dear Wendy.....the canada geese are a wonderful sight....I am always glad when bloggers tell of the arrival of birds....knowing they have made their journey in safety feeds my soul.....
Sorry to hear that hubby has a virus......do hope it does not last too long....
you take care and try to steer clear of those nasty germs....
I hope everyone feels better soon!
We say goodbye to the geese w/ sadness because it means summer is almost here.
Sorry your husband has a virus...glad you have a lot of sun.
xoxo Annette
I'm so sorry to hear your hubby has a virus. I hope it's nothing that affects his lungs..
I adore the geese. It just gives me the biggest goosbumps when they fly overhead. Our lakes are still frozen so I hope the wait a few more days before they try to put down here.
Perfect picture! This is a great capture! Also love your background. Jean
They have returned to the farmers fields in North Idaho.
Coffee is on.
Hi Nature Girl, yes, nature is wonderful! It's fun to know that you've sent the geese packing! LOL! Thanks for the sunshine, yesterday was just beautiful!
Hi Rose, thanks for your good wishes. I don't have time to get sick, so I won't!
Hi Bev, geese is one of the sure signs of changing seasons. Although I don't like watching them leave, I know they'll return.
The "patients" are already getting better. Thank you.
Hi Becks, thanks for your good wishes. That V-formation is special, isn't it? And the honking does herald in spring (or fall). I'm fine, so far.
Hi Judy, thanks a lot. I'll send them back to you in the fall - just to slow down your jaunt to work in the morning. LOL!
Hi Maggie May, yes, changing seasons, people get sick. But it passes and you are right, I think we'll be moaning about the heat before long. LOL
Hi Grammy, well, I'm still learning that one. It's tough. Glad you are able to plant your garden. At least I can watch yours until mine is ready. Isn't blogging fun?
Hi Mimi - thanks for your good wishes.
Hi Kanak, thanks for stopping in. I like to visit your part of the world too. Everybody is on the mend.
Hi Cheryl, I also find the birds' migration feeds my soul. To know that the cycle of life continues, seasons change and the birds have survived is a comfort. Thank you for your kindness, I will survive.
Hi Allie, most of us are on the mend. It's hubby who is the real worry. But he's doing better now.
Hi Annette, oh my goodness, we do the opposite. Can't wait for summer! Do NOT like winter. Too bad we couldn't mix up our weather patterns a bit - I'll give you some snow in summer and you give us some heat in summer. Deal?
Hi Amelia, eeks - you're even later than we are! I thought we were the last to welcome spring. Our lakes are still frozen somewhat, but they're breaking up. Thanks for your concern re hubby. So far his lungs are o.k. We hope to keep it that way.
Hi Jean, I stole the pic from google images. Stole the background too (well, it was free, so I didn't really steal it). Love your daffodil!
Hi Peppylady, did you serve them coffee? I certainly hope so, they're had a long flight and needed some refreshment. LOL!
Just stopped by to say hi. I been missing ya.
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