Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Happy Birthday Simon!

Happy Third Birthday Grandbaby Simon!

This pic was taken when he was two. I can't find any newer pics at this moment (and I wanted to post this today - his birthday).

Simon is grandbaby #4. His little brother is Owen.

Yes, that is a hospital bracelet he is wearing. At that time, he was hospitalized (day surgery only) to have tubes put in his ears.

That was then.
This is now and unfortunately, Simon is spending his birthday in the hospital.

He became dehydrated after catching a nasty gastrointestinal virus. This bug seems to be making the rounds of schools, daycares, and playgroups.
On Sunday night, Simon was admitted to the Childrens' Hospital here in Montreal. They are keeping him until his electrolytes stabilize and he can keep fluids in his body (I'll spare you the yukky details).

We will plan to have a real birthday celebration for him at Easter, when he's back home again and can eat!


Marimoy said...

Poor little darling... I hope he has a Happy Birthday as well!

Wendy said...

Hi Mimi - thank you. I hope so too.

Allie said...

Oh! Poor kiddo! I hope he's feeling up to celebrating very very soon. What a smile he has! It's impossible to look at that picture and not smile back!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Poor Little Guy... That's too bad that he is back in the hospital. BUT--as you said, you all can celebrate his birthday when he gets well. I'm sure he'll love the celebration no matter when it happens.

Cheryl said...

Poor little chap.....I do hope that he soon recovers, and is back home with Mum and Dad.

Happy birthday little one.......

Nanny said...

That nasty flu bug is hanging around here too. I hope he is feeling better soon and can celebrate his 3rd Birthday Properly....with lot's of birthday
cake and ice cream!

Wendy said...

Hi Allie - thank you!

Hi Betsy, we're all waiting for him to get better!

Hi Cheryl, thank you for your kindness.

Hi Mary, oh, so you have that nasty flu bug too. It seems to be making the rounds. I know lots of children and some adults who have it too. Yuk!

Femin Susan said...

poor chap. Hope he has a happy birthday.

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

Hello sweet Simon! What a darling. Thanks for the info on the door! I must have one!! Blessings, Anita

Grammy said...

Happy birthday Simon!
So sad he is sick on his special day. I hope they do something special for him in the hospital. And then he can have 2 birthdays. That will make him a lucky little guy. Give him a big hug for me when he gets well.

Abba's Girl said...

Hope he is feeling better now. He is soooo cute!

Craver Vii said...

What an excellent smile! May the Lord bring healing quickly to his little body.

Thanks for dropping by my blog. I appreciate your comment. Keep singing, Wendy!

Blessings from a fellow grandparent. Our first grandson was born in February. :-)

Mark said...

Very cute boy! Hope he is well soon.

Wendy said...

Thanks everyone! Simon is home now. He's much better, but not fully recovered yet. This is a nasty bug!
We're looking forward to celebrating his birthday at Easter.

Morning Glories in Round Rock said...

Bless his heart! That is no fun having to be in hospital on your birthday. I am glad to hear he is doing better, and I hope he gets over that nasty bug soon.


amelia said...

Oh Poor Simon!! Too bad that he has to be hospitalised but especially on his birthday!!

I hope by now that he's home and doing well..

Rose said...

Poor baby! What a way to spend his birthday. But I see from your comment that he's back home now; I hope he is feeling much better by now. The good thing, I guess, is that little ones don't really realize which day is their actual birthday, so he will appreciate a party when he's feeling much better.

I know that daycares and preschools do their best to keep germs from spreading, but there's only so much they can do. I've babysat my grandson quite a lot this winter due to one bug or another that made its rounds through the daycare center.

Beverly said...

Hi, Wendy,
I hope by now Simon is better. That's tough to have that nasty bug and then to have to go to the hospital.

I'm just peeking down at the post below, and I see you have some plants bursting forth. It's quite chilly here in Virginia (for me, that is) Trees are budding, and there are some flowers, with more to come.

Beverly said...

Hi, Wendy,
I hope by now Simon is better. That's tough to have that nasty bug and then to have to go to the hospital.

I'm just peeking down at the post below, and I see you have some plants bursting forth. It's quite chilly here in Virginia (for me, that is) Trees are budding, and there are some flowers, with more to come.

Anna said...

Oh sorry to hear this Wendy - what a shame. I hope that Simon is soon on the mend and back home ready celebrating and playing with his presents !