......really have anything to do with how your day goes?
Yesterday, I was in a bad mood. Nothing felt right. The old expression "you woke up on the wrong side of the bed" seemed to sum up my cranky self.
It started with Morning Pages. Nothing I wrote made any sense.
Fine. Forget writing.
Maybe I should just forget the whole computer thing for today too.
Fine. No email, no blogging, no nothing.
Decided I might as well run a bunch of errands and get out of the house. Did I really need that pack of sponges at Home Hardware?
Or the spiral notebooks on special at the drugstore?
Hubby had asked me to pick up an audiobook for him at the public library. Maybe I would also find a good book to curl up with in the evening. Something to soothe my frazzled nerves.
Checked out the "new books" first. Nothing.
Went to the audiobook section. Couldn't find Hubby's book. Looked everywhere. Asked the librarian. She couldn't find it either.
Back to the regular book section. Spend nearly an hour searching for a suitable book. Everything seemed wrong. Too romancy, too historical, too boring, I've probably read this, I don't like the cover, I don't like the title.
Finally I settled on a book with a fuschia-pink flower on the cover. This story was set in the jungle. Oooooooo!
And "just-in-case", I chose another one - an old Irish novel.
After supper I settled in with my exotic-looking jungle book.
It sucked. The author was trying too hard; giving away everything from the first chapter. Yawn!
Good thing I got the "just-in-case" book .
The first few pages started off just fine. Until........they found the body. O.K. - maybe not so bad. I like murder mysteries (as long as it's not too descriptive). They found the body in a tree........chained to the branches.....the birds had poked out his ..........never mind. I put both books away. To be returned. As soon as possible!
Today, I woke up on the "right side of bed". I had planned to visit my daughter and help out with the new baby.
I had a wonderful day. Little Nathan is doing well. Got my "baby fix" as Hubby says.
Jasmine and I got Mommy's clean clothes out of the dryer, brought them upstairs and then smooshed them all about on the living-room couch, playing peek-a-b00 with the tea towels instead of folding them.
On my way home I stopped in at the library. I returned those horrible books and just quickly scanned the "new book" section.... "just-in-case" I found something good. Well, didn't I find a brand new book by a favourite author of mine? Right there waiting for me!
Encouraged, I went over to the audiobook section "just-in-case" I'd find the audiobook Hubby had asked me for yesterday.
Well, well - there it was! Staring me in the face as if to say "naw naw - I was here all along!"
I must have spent a total of 5 minutes in the library today, coming away with the perfect books, whereas yesterday it was almost an hour - of wasted time.
Was it my mood... my energy?
Or coincidence?
I wonder.