Darn! I got the microwave in the pic.
Will try again.
That's better. If I could only erase the wall phone.
And this is a disaster! These were my grape hyacinth bulbs I bought on sale and potted up several weeks ago.
Like a mother hen I watched and waited for the first sprout to come alive. Yes! Several more followed suit. Oh, I was going to have such lovely flowers.
Patiently I watched the sprouts turn into long green stems. That grew and grew and grew. Finally, I realized that that's all I was ever gonna get. No flowers.
Now I realize it's because bulbs need a cool period before "forcing". And I had bought them from the gardening section of Walmart. They were supposed to have been planted in the fall. Not forced indoors.
Never mind - I enjoyed the green foliage anyway.
Beautiful group of flowers, Wendy.. You really have a green thumb. I don't try to grow anything in the winter--but those colors surely are beautiful. I especially like that white Poinsettia.. I love the red ones --but the white ones are so beautiful especially in January/February.
How's your hubby?
I do the same thing when I'm taking a picture!! All kinds of contortions and trying hard to not get a dog in the picture which is hard in our house because they are everywhere!!
After all this nasty snow and ice, grey skies, and such low temperatures, we all need some spring flowers to lift our spirits. I think I'll go out tomorrow and buy myself some flowers! I deserve it!!
Little daffodils would cheer me far more than a pot roast :-)
I love the new Valentine look, Wendy! I haven't even thought about re-decorating:)
Your photography makes me laugh, because I do much the same thing. I move objects out of the way so I can take a picture, but it's kind of hard to move a door or a phone or the fridge:) Your flowers look so spring-like; I think you made a wise choice in buying the daffodils instead of a pot roast.
I don't have any blooms yet from my amaryllis, and the bulbs I forced myself are just popping through the soil. Now I'm wondering what they're going to look like, too.
I love your photos of your flowers! They're lovely. I know that you must enjoy seeing the green when you have all that snow...
I like your blog design too. I think I'll leave my baseball up for a little while.
Never buy pot roast when you can buy flowers instead! Gorgeous blooms, Wendy!
It looks so springy at your house! Love the sun shining in on your flowers. I had to smlie about the grape hyacinths-that's something I would do. :} Your green bowl makes a beautiful base for your plant.
the new look is so sweet. I have always loved the old fashioned Valentine cards. And finally what is Imbolc Day? I guess I could look it up on the Internet.
YAY for flowers. Way more important than a roast!
Your pics are a feast for my weary eyes. Gorgeous flowers and greenery.
Hmmmm, I'm gonna take a hint from you....
Maybe I should have bought flowers instead of focusing on the little "Rodent" with bad news yesterday....LOL
I like the new look of your blog too! Especially the vintage Valentine card at the top.
Have a great Day after "the Rodents" errr...I mean Groundhog's day.
And I thought I was the only one trying to get objects out of the way!! The daffodils indeed look cheerful. Lovely arrangement with the hyacinth and the pointsettias as well.
Hi Wendy.....I love the way you laugh at your mistakes....you make me smile......green is good.....
and the microwave in the photo...the times I do thing like that....its fun though, isn't it?
The little daffs are lovely and tell of what is to come....
HI Betsy - with such long winters here, I need to grow indoor plants. Thanks for the compliments. It's taken a long time to be able to grow indoors with lots of failures.
Hubby is not doing well these last few days. This illness has it's ups and downs and I hope this will be a short down. Thanks for asking.
Hi Amelia - oh I can just see that - a dog walking across the pic. LOL!
Hi Shammickite - oh, do buy yourself some spring flowers. They're cheap at this time of year and really do brighten up the house. And - post a pic for us to see!
I think they're beautiful in their own right. There's something delightfully cool about wildly growing greenery. The randomness just adds to the story!
The light through the windows is amazing. Warmed me up as soon as I saw it. Something about a Quebec winter, eh?
Hi Ruth, oh yeah!
Hi Rose, I'm glad others do the same with photography. One day it will be easier. Isn't gardening fun? You never know what's going to happen. My amaryllis is just finishing blooming, but surprisingly, there is another flower stalk starting to grow.
Hi Beverly, yes, I do enjoy the greenery and flowers inside.
It's fun to change the blog design from time to time. I like your baseball look.
Hi Jen, I agree - but we do have to eat too. LOL!
Hi Beckie - valentines are fun. Not sure the pic in my header really is the right one for this blog, but I'll leave it up for a while.
Imbolc is the mid-point of winter, when the cows and lambs are "in milk". Spring is definitely on its way then. And we celebrate by giving thanks to the goddess Brighid and by spring cleaning!
Hi Mimi - lucky you to enjoy flowers all year round!
Hi Annette - I'm glad you felt comfort here, as I do when I visit you. Hugs.
Hi Mary, well, what else can you do on rodent day? LOL!
Hi Kanak - oh photography can be a challenge. But it's fun. Thanks for your kind words.
Hi Cheryl, you sound so full of happiness and wonderful things to come... Thank you for visiting. I heard you got oodles of snow. I hope you are ignoring it!
Hi Carmi - sounds like you talk from experience (about our winters) LOL! Thanks for your take on my greenery. Sounds good that way!
Flowers over roast any day. Good choice. They are really beautiful.
Wendy, Love the tiny daffodile arrangement and the bowl looks great there. All your colorful blooms are beautiful. Jean
Good morning. I love all you flowers. Don't loose hope you can place them in the refrigerator and cool them off and replant them or put them out side and they will resume life as normal.
I have left something special for you on my blog.
What lovely flowers and greenery on your table.
It sure looks so sunny and bright on mid winter days like this.
Coffee is on.
Hi Wendy! I love how you have beautiful flowers flowering inside and a blanket of snow outside what a contrast :) Too bad about your grape hyacinth though.
I really enjoy your blog and have passed an award I was given onto you so pop on over to my blog and check it out :)
Beautiful flowers! I can hardly wait until spring gets here. I may just buy myself some flowers in the meantime. ♥
Shame about the grape hyacaniths but the others are like bowls of sunshine. They must be giving you a lot of pleasure.
What pretty plants! I love your 'disaster', and really with the fairies! A perfect disaster. Love your kalachoe blooms! And your window, I know your babies are happy with all that light:)
Hi Wendy
Lovely flowers!
Its so nice to see flowers are starting to bloom again after winter!
Love, Ann
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