Sunday, May 24, 2009

May is a Magical Month...

Our lily of the valley are in bloom. Lilacs too. May is the beginning of the outdoor gardening season in this part of the world .....and I LOVE IT!!
Today, May 24th is my eldest granddaughter's 13th birthday! She is now officially a teen-ager! Happy Birthday, dear Kaitlin. Sorry I don't have a more recent photo of you, and this school photo is a little washed out, but nonetheless - I am happy to be your grandma!
Thirteen years ago, you came into this world and blessed us all with your presence. Today I am so proud of you - not only what you achieve, but who you are.
Lots of Love on your special day,
Grandma Wendy


Betsy Banks Adams said...

Happy Birthday Kaitlin..

Wendy, Kaitlin is gorgeous!!!! I love that photo.. Such a wholesome young lady...

I love lily-of-the-valley ---and planted some here several years ago. NONE ever grew at all. I was disappointed. And I never tried again. I love it though.

Have a great evening.

Grammy said...

Time is flying is it not. She is beautiful! Happy birthday Kaitlin.
You made me think Jeremy will be 10 in Oct. So I only have 3 more years to teen age grandson. wow. Your flowers are great too. Hope your week end is great. Big hug.

Rambling Woods said...

May is magical and your granddaughter is beautiful. Happy Birthday Kaitlin...
Michelle From Rambling Woods

Anonymous said...

You have a sweet and beautiful granddaughter. You should be proud of this lovely young lady. I do miss the lily of the valley and lilacs. I go out and buy some more pretty hibiscus..but alas no scent! Have a good sniff for me Wendy!

Maggie May said...

A lovely granddaughter and no wonder you are proud of her. She is the same age as my oldest grandson. Hard to believe it was thirteen years ago that I saw my little grandson for the first time!

Although our Spring starts earlier than yours, I still think May is a lovely month. Will be glad when I get my garden back though, as I cannot move for scaffolding and the plants are not doing well in such shady conditions. Oh well, it can't be helped.
Lily of the Valley has always been a favourite of mine. It has just about *gone over* now together with the aquilegias.

Nanny said...

Happy Birthday Kaitlin!

Wendy, you have a beautiful Granddaughter.

Each year, I always look forward to May. The cold dark days of winter are behind us now. The season of warm weather is just beginning. longer days, sunshine, BBQ's, Planting time.....Love it!

Ruth said...

Happy Birthday to Kaitlin! The smell of my lilacs and lily of the valley is almost intoxicating through our back windows and on our deck. I like your arrangement in the first photo.

peppylady (Dora) said...

Coffee is on and you been tagged

Wendy said...

Hi Besty, thanks for your warm thoughts. I'll send you some lilyofthevalley (if only I could. It definitely is a shade flower. Will grow practically anywhere, but has to be in the shade.

Hi Grammy, glad you're up and around after your surgery. Thanks for your compliments. Kaitlin is a sweetie. And time sure flies!

Hi Michelle, thank you. I really do love May. Everything bursts into new growth - tree leaves, flowers, blossoms - and people!

Will do florida sue. Did not realize lilacs and Lily of the valley did not grow in florida. Will send you some too! Hugs.

Hi Maggie may, oh you will be soooo glad when that construction is over and you can once again enjoy your home and your garden. Thank you for your kind words. I also can't believe 13 years have flown by!

Hi Mary - well you said it all! I do have much more energy when we have more hours of sunlight. Can't wait for the BBQ!

Hi Ruth, that smell reminds me of my childhood. My mother also had lilac bushes right under our windows and her lily of the valley grew in our hedges, all around the house. I wanted to photograph that little vase of lily of the valley in the house, but it didn't look right, so I plunked it into the geranium pot on our deck. Didn't turn out too badly after all, did it?

Hi Peppylady, I'll have a latte please, no sugar, and some chocolate on the side. I've been tagged? Oh no???? What did I do? Just kidding. Will check out your blog.

Celia said...

A Happy Birthday to Kaitlin, a lovely young woman. Our little ones stop being little so soon.

denverdoc said...

Your granddaughter and your lilies rival one another in beauty.

Sorry to hear of your husband's decline. Stupid COPD--sometimes the downhill slide is subtle and then there are the big drop-offs! Scary story about the power outage--my spouse got hypoxic in the night recently, whistled for me but so faintly that it took awhile for me to wake to it, then another one of those adrenaline rushes about the house setting up nebulizer, finding the oximeter, jacking up the O2, etc. You know all about it...

Shammickite said...

Lily-of-the-valley is lovely, but once it gets established it tends to take over the garden!
Happy birthday to your Kaitlin, what a pretty girl!
My 2nd grandchild still isn't here! What's keeping you, grandbaby?????? Hurry up and get here, Nana wants to meet you!

Wendy said...

Hi Celia, oh you got that one right!

Hi Judy, oh yeah, those are scary moments. I've bought dollar store bicycle horns for hubby to squeeze if he's in another room and needs me. Stupid COPD for sure!

Hi Shammickite, it's hard waiting for baby. I remember my first one was 2 weeks late! Thought I'd never give birth to him. Today he's 37.

Rose said...

May is definitely the beginning of gardening season here, too--no more chance of frost! Our lilacs have long since stopped blooming, but every day there is something new in bloom or about to bloom. Thanks for your compliment on my clematis; I've only had it a couple years, and it's surprised me how well it's done.

Happy belated Birthday to granddaughter! What a pretty girl! My oldest granddaughter is 13, too, and I still remember going to the hospital to see her for the first time and instantly falling in love. Grandchildren are so precious.

Cheryl said...

Happy birthday Kaitlin....such a pretty young girl....may her future be bright and full of happiness.....

May is indeed a lovely month....lily of the valley, her sweet little bells nodding in the breeze....I perfume drifting across the garden....beautiful...
Sadly mine did not come up this year, I know not why....

Have a lovely week Wendy.....enjoy your garden if you can.....

Unknown said...

Wendy, your blooms are lovely...and so is Kaitlin.I wish her the very best!
I went through your last post too and to think about such (possible) emergencies can be scary.

I can understand about May being magical--after the lull. Your garden has come alive and the colours say so.

Mark said...

Happy Birthday!!!

Abba's Girl said...

Beautiful grand daughter!!! (The flowers are pretty too.)

Amy said...

She is so lovely, Wendy. I just read your previous post, too. I'm thinking of you guys, even if I've never met you in person, and wishing you both the courage and heart you need to navigate those hard changes.

Naturegirl said...

Such a lovley young woman your Kaitlin! Happy Birthday wishes to her!
My Lily of Valley are blooming too!

JeanMac said...

Wendy, that horn idea is brilliant. Love both pictures. HB Kaitlin!

Anonymous said...

Hi Wendy, hope your week has gone well. Thanks for the nice comments on my flowers...Yes, I am a Canadian girl too, and I know that even on May 24'th you still have to be frost leery!


Q said...

Dear Wendy,
A lovely birthday tribute!
She is a darling young woman.
Having a Granddaughter must be a divine experience.
May is a beautiful month. I too love the parade of flowers and all the gorgeous smells...I always take time to smell the flowers. I love gathering bouquets for the house.