Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Gray skies......

Skies are overcast; light is dim. Time has lost its definition.

The day started out sunny and bright.
So I went for a walk in the early light.
The cry of a kestrel pierced the air.
And looking up - I found it there.

No this is not my pic. I googled it. I was surprised to find this hawk in my neighbourhood. I usually see them flying and wheeling in the sky, as I drive past fields where cows graze.
Not this close to where people live.
But there are a lot of trees where I live and I have seen woodpeckers and owls; birds once thought to live only in forests.

The rest of the day was dull. I had planned outdoor activities and a BBQ for supper, but had to cancel. It rained off and on all afternoon. Too much rain this summer. Too many clouds.

It's the energy that feels different on a cloudy day. Heavier, more subdued. There is no bright shining sun to mark the hours. No light to guide us as morning becomes afternoon, and afternoon fades into evening.

Sounds are muted.
Birds and insects are quiet, as if waiting......

I feel sleepy, dreamy, yet restless.
Disappointed in a day that started out so well.
Is this the pattern of Life? Or just illness?

I told my daughter over the phone that I was fine.
Hubby is heading into another exacerbation.
I told her I was fastening my seatbelt for yet another "rollercoaster ride".
This is the pattern of COPD. Good days and bad ones.
We've been here before.
We'll weather this storm too.


bobbie said...

I hope that the gray skies are not an indication of things to come for you. We have been having sunshine and hot, hot weather. We get stormy skies and lightning, and just a little rain, but never enough.
If weather is nicer, it is probably just a little easier to weather illness too. I'll hope for the best for you.

denverdoc said...

Gray skies and stormy days. There's life with COPD for you. Nice post, but sorry to hear that the clouds are gathering in your home.

Beverly said...

I'm sorry you've had a gray day. I hope the sun will be out tomorrow and that they down time with your hubby won't be too bad. Hugs to you.

Marimoy said...

All I can offer is my virtual hug. *hugs* I hope you survive the roller coaster.

Bear Naked said...

Thinking of you and also offering my virtual hugs.

Bear((( )))

beckie said...

Wendy, you found a bright spot today in the hawk. Sometimes when all seems dark we have to look a little harder, but they are there. Will be thinking of you, wishing you bright spots!

Abba's Girl said...

Hope you have sunshine the next few days. Send your clouds my way, it was 100 in the shade.

A hawk hangs out near my house much of the winter. I think he came back one winter and his forest was gone, so he came to our neighborhood because the trees were planted at least 40 years ago.

Have a blessed day.

Cheryl said...

Hi Wendy....I send you blue skies from England and the warmth of the sun to make you smile.

Thinking of you and hubby.......

I thought you had taken the hawk should have

Anonymous said...

I hope the clouds don't stay with you and move on very quickly and that your sky is brightened up again!

Nanny said...

Hi Wendy,

Firstly, thanks for your kind comments on my blog.

We have been having just beautiful summer weather. Hopefully, it will be heading your way soon. There is nothing like blue skies and sunshine to make one feel better.

Hugs to you and Hubby.

Wendy said...

Hi Bobbie,
Thanks for stopping by with your kind comments.

Wendy said...

Hi Judy,
Thanks for your support. You know how COPD goes. One day up, one day down.

Hi Bev, Hugs back at ya.
Hi Mimi - hugs to you too. Yes, I will survive. I used to panic when he went "down" - but now I don't. We just learn to get through the rough times.

Wendy said...

Hi Bear Naked - virtual hugs to you too.

Hi Beckie - yes, I did find a bright spot. Thanks for the reminder. Sometimes, I focus on the bad stuff and let the good stuff slip by.

You have a deal, Annette - I'll certainly send you my clouds. You're welcome to them!

Wendy said...

Hey Cheryl - thanks for the sunshine! Today was a warm and sunny day. I went swimming and had our BBQ at last. Summer is back!

Hi Carin - yes, those clouds did move on. I passed them to Annette in Florida, and received some sun from Cheryl in England. Isn't this fun?

Hi Mary - thanks for stopping by. Glad you are having such a good summer. Ours has been a little wet, but it's still warm and the flowers are loving it.

Hi Jeanmac - thanks for your support.

Rose said...

Sometimes the cloudy days are a welcome respite from the bright sunshine and a provide an excuse to just relax and do nothing. Other times, though, they seem to exacerbate any troubling times we might be having. I hope the sun comes out for you, and the "rollercoaster ride" isn't too long. Take care, Wendy.

Wendy said...

Thank you Rose, you are right, clouds are sometimes welcome, but other times not.
I'm back into sunshine and happier.
Unfortunately, hubby is still not well, so we'll have to hang in there a while longer.