I had eaten too much supper. My stomach was full. So I hopped on my bicycle to try and burn off some of those calories - and hopefully get rid of that yukky full feeling you get when you know you've overindulged.
Pedaling down the street, I realized that the daylight was beginning to fade. Oh well, that's o.k. I can still ride in the dark. Anyway, it was another warm summer evening and I was enjoying the smell of freshly cut grass, spicy end-of-summer flowers (don't ask me what kind), and maybe a skunk or two (just kidding).
Swivelling my head from side to side, I watched the road for small animals, who often come out at dusk. I didn't want to run over any poor little critters out for their evening stroll.
Before I knew it, I had reached the end of my street.
Suddenly, I sucked in a deep breath and screeched to a stop!
There spread out before me was the most beautiful sunset I'd seen in ages! I felt totally enveloped in it's fiery orange glow and rosy clouds.
It was absolutely stunning!
And the sun looked just like a red rubber ball. In fact, it reminded me of that song:
"I think it's gonna be alright, yeah, the worst is over now the morning sun is shining like a red rubber ball..."
Well, this was an evening sun - not a morning sun, but it still looked like a red rubber ball in the sky.
Did that mean a nice day tomorrow? Or a really hot one? I couldn't remember the significance of a red sun.... something about "sailor's warning......"
Never mind, I was enjoying the delicious pink and orange glow of the sun as it settled into the trees.
Turning around to go back home, I saw a woman standing in her garden, watering her flowers. Gosh, she looked so placid... so laid-back... like a cow chewing on her cud, not caring what the rest of the world was doing. Couldn't she see the drama of a glorious sunset unfolding right in front of her eyes? Right from her own front lawn?
"What a beautiful sunset!" I called out excitedly.
"Thank you," she replied smiling, turning back to her flowers.
Thank you? Excuse me? So you are responsible for this sunset?
Ah.... then it hit me. She must have heard:
"What a beautiful garden".
A perfect example of a person hearing what they want to!