Saturday, August 23, 2008

Night has come....

.....gone the sun...

I open the back door and step out into the velvet night. My flowers , snug in their pots, are waiting for me to wish them "good-night".

Moonlight washes over them, lending an eerie glow.

Scurrying noises from under the deck tell me that chipmunks are getting ready for bed. Or, I've scared them off as I walk around in my socks.

I breathe in the warm, fragrant night air..... and listen to the night creatures..... as they sing.

With arms raised up overhead, I embrace the universe, silently whispering a good-night prayer......

And step on something soft..
And squishy...
I stepped on a slug!


Morning Glories in Round Rock said...

Ewwwwwww is right! If it were my yard it would probably be dog poo. But what a wonderful feeling to embrace the night--makes me what to go outside and do the same, but I am afraid I might embrace a skunk instead. LOL!

Marimoy said...

That was awesome. Totally unexpected. I really needed that chuckle, thanks.

Abba's Girl said...

Beautiful picture! My neighbor screamed the other morning while I was putting bird feed out, she had stepped on a slug in her sock feet. I'll tell her she has a sister in socks. Have a great week.


Cheryl said... are so funny....I was right with you till the slug bit emerged....I am without doubt a romantic and you just shattered my

beckie said...

Like Chery, I was so enjoyig the moment with you-'end of day, glorious summer night', and then SLUG! Truly, that's what would have happened to me. Great post!

denverdoc said...

I love your shared forays into the night, slugs and all! Things that go squish in the night.

Wendy said...

Hi Morning glories in round rock: You make me laugh. Embrace a skunk, indeed! Ha. I'd rather not!
Glad you found me.

Hi Mimi - as you get to know me, you will expect the unexpected. It's all in good fun!

Hi Annette - oh dear - I have a sister in Texas who walks around in sock feet too! And steps on squishy things too! At least it wasn't bare feet. I often walk barefoot - but not at night.

Wendy said...

Oh dear Cheryl, I was having fun, embracing the night....But Mr. or Mrs. Slug had other ideas for me!

Hi Beckie, well, I'm glad there are more of us out there. And I wouldn't have it any other way!

Hi Judy, things that go squish in the night - that's good. We could start something here - or maybe not.

Q said...

Dear Wendy,
Ahh... the glow of the moon and the slime of a slug.
Ahh..the warmth of the night and
the smile from a bug.
Ahh.. the laugh from a friend and
the arms for a hug!
Thank you!

JeanMac said...

That kind of broke the magical spell! Lovely piece of writing.

Nanny said...

You make me smile!!! Thanks for the morning chuckle.

Oh, and I noticed the new picture of you with your grandchild. Very sweet.

Wendy said...

Hey Sherry - that was awesome! We should do more rhyming.

Hi Jeanmac - yup! It did - but that's life.

Hi Mary - thanks for your kind words. It was time I updated my photo. And it seems I only get my photo taken when I'm holding a baby.

Beverly said...

Cool post. Oh, slugs, the worst! did you ever pour salt on one and watch it dry up?

Rose said...

LOL, Wendy. Such a beautiful, poetic description of the night... I was feeling so peaceful, then the Slug!! Kind of like life, isn't it: enjoy the perfect moment because you never know when a slug might end it suddenly:)
Thanks for the chuckle and the upbeat thoughts.

Shammickite said...

eeEEWWWW well at least you had socks on!!!
It would have been ten times worse if it had squelched up between your toes!!!

Q said...

Dear Wendy,
I am still laughing...

Wendy said...

Ewwww - Beverly - I never thought of pouring salt on one. Yuk!

Hi Bear Naked - sounds like you speak from experience???

Hi Rose - I like your analogy - just like life!

Wendy said...

Hi Shammikite - my thoughts exactly! I am glad I had socks on.

Hi Sherry - it's good to laugh, isn't it? And I liked your poem.