Wednesday, February 27, 2008

A surprise in our mail box!

This picture of Hubby's grandson arrived in our email box today. Only Grandson (for Hubby) is 4 years old, lives in northern B.C., so we don't see much of him.
You can see how gently little Grandson cradles this precious mountain chickadee!
This glimpse into his young life made Hubby's day. He perked up and our weekly bath ritual went much more smoothly. (I know - it sounds so ridiculous, a weekly bath for someone who used to be so independent, showering daily, bopping off to work, vacation, etc. etc. - {sigh!})
He didn't complain about the fact that it takes so long to bathe, put on his clothes, etc. He was glowing inside.
Somewhere stuffed deep down in our closet, are pics of his boys when they were young. This afternoon, after Hubby's nap, we will dig those pics out. He will be able to re-live some very happy times - when he was the father of a young, healthy and happy family.
I should have thought of this before - digging out old photo albums. It's always a pleasure to look back at pics when our children were young. When we were young too. And, if we're lucky - to look back into the lives of our ancestors.
A good beginning to our day. I hope everyone has a wonderful day too.


Nanny said...

What a beautiful picture! He is adorable. I always wished for a redhead! Redheads run in my family. My oldest brother is...(actually "was" is the right term to use here) a redhead and my youngest nephew who is 3 years old, inherited the curly redhair gene. He is adorable too!

Those cute little kids can bring out the best in us older individuals. With the help of that ray of sunshine you received in the mailbox, I hope your day continues to shine brightly .


Anonymous said...

What a beautiful, beautiful boy. And you just know that a boy who cradles a tiny life in his hands that way - with a look of wonder and love on his face - will grow to be a very good man.
Congratulate your husband for me - he has a glorious grandson.

Wendy said...

Thank you Mary and Karen for your kind words.
This world would certainly be a better place if everyone treasured life like our children do.