Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Weed Walk on Wednesday

Won't you join me for a weed walk?

Here are some bright orange flowers that grow everywhere...

And lovely lavender ones that seem to like ditches...

Morning glories climbing up to get a better view of life...


Buttery yellow little puffy flowers, so sweet. I used to suck the nectar as a child.
Wild clover.... ummm - just waiting for the bees...

And simple white daisies, their faces turned to catch the morning sun.

"Do you like butter? " says one child to another while vigorously rubbing some buttercups under her chin.
Weeds are so pretty - I wonder why people try to get rid of them?


Beverly said...

A lovely walk. Thanks. We have a bush here called Turk's Cap, and that was my favorite one for sucking the nectar out of.

I agree about the weeds. I've always thought periwinkles were weeds, and then I saw them being sold at nurseries.

Abba's Girl said...

Your weeds are beautiful!

Wendy said...

Hi Beverly, I used to think periwinkles were weeds too! We have some that are running wild at the base of our lilac tree. They really are pretty, aren't they?

Thanks, Annette.

JeanMac said...

Daisies are my favorite.

Cheryl said...

A weed is only a flower in the wrong place......but not in my garden, I love them and here they stay. Lovely post with some very pretty flowers....

Nanny said...

Periwinkles are weeds!! I never knew that! I can't believe what the local nursery is charging for those weeds. And yes, I have bought a couple flats of those weeds. They are sooooo pretty. I would love for those weeds to take over one part of my yard.

Thanks for clueing me in on the lovely weeds that I paid way to much for...LOL

Bear Naked said...

I love the daisies and I don't consider them weeds.
Beautiful photos.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful....lawns are so unnatural in many parts of the U.S., yet homeowners will dump weedkillers all over the place to preserve the unnatural grass and get rid of the native plants ("weeds").


Wendy said...

Hi Jeanmac - daisies look so fresh, don't they?

Hi Cheryl, I totally agree. Weeds are just flowers in the wrong place. And - why should there be a "wrong place"? I am glad they are welcome in your garden, as they are in mine.

Hi Mary - no, periwinkles are not weeks. Beverly and I just thought they were. So enjoy, their colour is so vivid and sparkly, isn't it?

Wendy said...

Hi BearNaked, the orange ones are my favourite. Thanks for stopping by.

Hi Amy, yes, I think they're crazy too. We have banned pesticides in our town, so the weeds bloom freely.

Rose said...

Now, Wendy, if you hadn't said "weed" walk, we all would oohed and aahed over your native plants! Seriously, there are so many native "weeds" that are quite pretty; I'm not sure how they became labelled as bad. I have some chicory, I think it is, growing near a tree. I was going to trim it the other day, but thought its blue flowers too pretty to cut down.

Wendy said...

Hi Rose, I know, I know, I was just hoping some of my fellow garden bloggers would help me out with some of the names of my "weeds". And, I do love weeds anyway - they're pretty no matter where they grow.