Thursday, November 13, 2008

Full Snow Moon

This November Full Moon rose at 4:40 this afternoon. It is also called the Snow Moon, Frosty Moon or Beaver Moon. Other names are: Falling Leaves Moon, Geese Going Moon, Long Moon, Little Bear Moon - and lots of others.

These names come from the past, when our people lived close to the Earth. The November Full Moon signaled a time for preparing. Winter would soon be upon the land. Time to gather warm Beaver pelts and other animal furs for use during the long cold months ahead. Food was dried, smoked or salted as a way of keeping it to last until Spring.

Today, we don't have to deal with those survival issues. We go to the store for food and warm clothing. We heat our homes (those of us who live in colder climates). Turn on taps for fresh water.

Unconsciously perhaps, we keep a little bit of the old ways alive by bringing fire indoors. A cozy wood stove or a crackling fireplace brings comfort and atmosphere to an ordinary room. We light candles for special occasions or to grace our dinner tables.

We bake breads and pies. We brew tasty soups and rich stews to nourish our bodies and delight our souls.

We've had rain the past few days, so I couldn't see this full November moon. How quick time is going!


beckie said...

Wendy, I've not hear of the Snow Moon or any of the other names, but how interesting. You're so right about winter. I want to stock up on food, cook hearty filling meals and sit by the fire with candles glowing. Hope it doesn't get too cold there too soon!

Rose said...

I looked for the full moon tonight, but couldn't see it either because of all the clouds--such a shame. Thanks for all this interesting info, Wendy. Sherry and Joey both also posted photos of the full moon, and each one had a different name for it. Now I understand.

No matter how advanced we humans think we are today, there are still the same basic instincts and needs within us. Technology does not feed our soul as nature does.

Wendy said...

Hi Beckie, it's cold now. Not unbearable, but not sitting outside in the garden weather. It's o.k. for walks when the sun shines, but we've had rain for the past few days. Oh well, what can we do? I read others' blogs and enjoy everybody else's gardens!
Thanks for dropping by.

Grammy said...

Oh Wendy this is amazing.
I love the picture.

JeanMac said...

Wendy, sorry you missed an absolutely large silver moon - it's clear and chilly here!

Abba's Girl said...

The full moon was in the sky long before sundown. I was amazed how early it rose. Quite a sight driving down the road.

Marimoy said...

I think there is a growing group of individuals that miss the closeness with the earth and try very hard to reestablish our relationship with her.

Unknown said...

Lovely photo...I didn't realise the moon had so many names. It's interesting!

Anonymous said...

That is one incredibly picture! Very beautiful!

I've always liked the story that the November- Full moon visits the seven children of Pleione: Taygeta, Merope, Alkyone, Maia, Electra, Celaeno and Sterope and that the story: The Wolf and the Seven Young Kids [Grimm Brothers]is actually based upon that phenomenon.

Lots of hugs

Anonymous said...

Snow Moon and Falling Leaves Moon...I love those. Thanks so much for sharing--the only moon name I knew before today? The October Harvest Moon.

Cheryl said...

What a beautiful post many facts I did not know......I love the moon......

We have at last have sunshine.....and now you have the rain........

Have a wonderful weekend......

Nanny said...

I saw that same moon last night and took a few pictures myself. It was stunning as it was rising in the sky. Unfortunately, none of my pictures turned out as nice as your's. The temperature are expected to drop around here this weekend. Winter is on it's way...

Wendy said...

Right on Rose - and too bad you also couldn't see this full moon. Ah well - next month.

Hi Grammy - thank you. Wish I had taken this pic. But I didn't.

Hi Jean-Mac, I take it you were able to see the full moon where you are. Lucky you! Clear and chilly. That's o.k. for now.

Hi Annette - it is beautiful, isn't it?

Hi Mimi - I couldn't agree with you more.

Hi Kanak - thanks for popping in.

HI Carin - well my goodness me - there is so much to learn. Thanks for telling me about that story. I think it's time you got a blog - I'd love to read whatever you publish.

Hi Amy - well, since you don't have snow or falling leaves (not much anyway), I guess your ancestors(or the ones living in florida) must have named this moon something else. Might be interesting to find out.

Hi Cheryl, I'm glad you have sunshine. It really brightens up the world, doesn't it? Actually today brought sunshine and I really enjoyed my walk - actually I took two!

Hi Mary - your pics turned out much better than mine. Since I didnt' take that one. LOL. I googled it! Have a good weekend!

peppylady (Dora) said...

Snow moon is a great name for this moon.
The other night there was a heard of elk out in the cattle pasture eating in the moon light.
I went out to get out mail and I could hear them whistling.
An elk whistle is an spooky sound at night time.

Coffee is on.

Maggie May said...

That is a lovely photo. Snow moon, sounds romantic.
Even though there are some good things about the winter, like the log fires, soups & pies etc....... I long for the summer.......

Wendy said...

Hi Pepperlady - yikes, I've never heard elk whistle? Must sound spooky.

Hi MaggieMay - I do too!

marmee said...

good evening wendy,
hope this night finds you doing well. congrats on your new grandbaby girl, grace. i have a grace too, she is two. what fun you will have with her.
we have been rainy and cold today and can't see anything out there but lots of darkness.

white_lilly said...

Seeing a full moon takes my breath away it is so beautiful. It is amazing that everything has meaning and purpose....and different names:)


Sandra Evertson said...

Such a lovely photo and beautiful sentiment!
Sandra Evertson

Shammickite said...

This year the full moon could be called Space Shuttle Moon.... we watched the shuttle launch on Friday, and the moon was absolutely gorgous! Some pics on my blog.

Q said...

Dear Wendy,
I love this picture!
Also very good of you to share all the information about the Moon. I would name my Full November Moon the Full Falling Leaves Moon.
I love being connected to Mother Earth and Father Sky. I too enjoy soups and warm bread when it is cold and blustery outside.
I also love your new blog!
Hope more Fairies come to play.

Wendy said...

Thanks Marmee for your warm congrats. Babies are for cuddling , aren't they?

Hi Sue, I love looking at the full moon too.

Thanks Sandra.

Hi Shammickite - must have been an awesome sight. Will check out your blog.

Hi Sherry, Yes, I like the name falling leaves moon best too.
Ah ha - I've been found out. Didn't know you'd sneak a peek at my new blog....