Saturday, November 8, 2008


Hubby became a grandpa for the second time.
Little Grace came into the world this afternoon, weighing 8 lb. and 4 oz.

Mother, Father (Hubby's son), big brother, and baby are all doing well.

They live clear across the country in B.C.
So it may be quite a while before we actually see this new little bundle of joy.
Luckily we live in the electronic age. We will catch our first glimpse of her via digital photography.

A time to celebrate!


Abba's Girl said...

Congratulations. Can't wait to see the pictures.

Grammy said...

How wonderful congratulations.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to you and your family. It's wonderful that all are doing well. Indeed, cause for rejoicing.

Bear Naked said...

Yes the electronic age certainly has brought many instant smiles to grandparents around the world when we see all the newest pictures of our grandchildren.

Bear((( )))

Rose said...

Congratulations! This is the time when you can appreciate living in the electronic age--I'm sure there will be lots of photos and video sent your way:)

beckie said...

Wendy, how wonderful! Babies bring so much joy with them. I am sure you are both feeling estatic. With internet you will be able to watch her grow almost like being there. But I do hope you get to see her in person soon. Being a grandparent is one of the best jobs in the world! :)

Wendy said...

Hi Annette, thank-you. We can't wait to see pictures too!

Hi Grammy - thank-you too.

Hi Anne - ah yes, we do rejoice the good times. At this stage of life we seem to be right smack in the middle - death on one side and birth on the other. I guess that's where "middle age" got it's name.

Wendy said...

Hi Bear Naked - isn't it wonderful? I don't know what I'd do without the internet and digital cameras! We'd be left in teh dark!

Hi Rose - not sure about videos, but pics - yes!

Hi Beckie - right on, as usual. Being a grandparent is wonderful. I never imagined!

Mary said...

Hi Dear Wendy!

This is great news! A little girl was born into your family. And please, please, get those photos and show us.

Your heart must be full right now :o) I haven't held a baby in sooooo long. Ahhh, Johnson's Baby Powder.

Hugs and Congratulations!


Shammickite said...

Congratulations, a little princess to love and cuddle! And isn't it great that we have the wonders of the internet so we can keep in touch and share pictures.
Grace is such a pretty name... my g-g-g-g-g-g-grandmother was called Grace!

JeanMac said...

Yeah! Seems to be a birthing blitz in blogland - except in our family - boo hoo!So happy for your family.

Marimoy said...


Beverly said...

Congratulations to all!

Morning Glories in Round Rock said...

Congratulations on the new little one. Babies are wonderful, and I hope you are able to get your hands on this one before too long.

Wendy said...

Thanks for all your good wishes, everybody.
Babies truly are a blessing!

Naturegirl said...

Congratulations on your Wonderful blessing!!
I depend on the electronics to catch up w/ my 2 in AZ!

Q said...

Dear Wendy,
Congratulations to you and your family.
It is time to celebrate.

Nanny said...

Boy, miss a couple days of checking your blog and I miss big news! Congratulations!

Wendy said...

Hi Nature girl - Arizona! My goodness. I hope you go to visit sometimes.

Hi Sherry, thank you. Hugs to you too.

Hi Mary - glad you stopped by.