I'm beginning to lose myself.
So focused have I been on Hubby's needs, that I've neglected my own.
Nothing new - most Caregivers do the same.
But all of a sudden, I've got musculoskeletal pain everywhere. I go on my usual walks around the neighbourhood, get back home and later in the evening the pain begins. It wakes me up at night.
Plantar fasciitis is back. Almost like it never left. I was just starting to take pleasure in the joy of walking once again. And sunshine. It's still cold here, but the sun is strong. Snow is melting. Walking outside in the fresh air with my face turned to the sun feels wonderful. A change in energy that I thought was making a difference.
But not anymore. It's turning into pain.
So I will make the appropriate appointments and look after my needs.
But I'm still in shock. Where did it come from? I thought I was doing well. Learning to accept that which I can't change, going with the flow, etc. etc.
Looking back, I can see that I have ignored nagging little symptoms. Little aches and pains that would come and go. Nothing horrible, after all Hubby's problem is much greater than mine. His needs far outweigh my own. Or do they?
This had not been a good day - or past few days. The focus has been on me and I'm not comfortable with this. I'm not the patient here. Hubby is. I'm not the one who needs attention. Hubby does.
I feel as if I'm losing myself. Looking back at old photo albums this afternoon, I wondered: who is that happy looking lady of only a few years ago?
Finding refuge in macarons
1 day ago